The first
thing you hear when you walk into a grocery store is, paper or plastic? Or should I say, kill a tree or choke a
fish? The debate between these two items
has been getting bigger and bigger as environmental awareness is becoming a
bigger deal in Texas.
stores are now starting to ban plastic bags because they clog landfills and arehazardous to animals. According to the NW waste management website, Bags by the Numbers, an
estimated 14 billion plastic bags are used in the US every year. It takes 20+ years for plastic to biodegrade,
and only 1% of plastic bags are ever recycled.
The rest are dumped in landfills and the ocean. An estimated 100,000
marine animals are killed every year due to plastic bags. After hearing all of this information, one
might suggest that paper bags would be a better option, but they are just as
bad. About 14 million trees are cut down
in order to make paper bags. Also, paper
bags are much more costly to make. There
is 50% more air pollution and it takes 40% more energy to make paper bags
versus plastic bags. Both methods for
bagging your groceries are equally bad. The
best solution is a reusable bag.
Austin is
already doing their best to promote reusable bags, but this has to spread to
everywhere in Texas. Many stores in Texas
like HEB and Target are heavily promoting reusable bags and only use paper bags
when necessary. This is a great start
but I believe that a statewide ban necessary to produce serious change. This may seem like going overboard, but
without a statewide ban, serious change will never take place. The reason why billions of plastic and paper
bags are still being produced today, is because people still don’t take it very
seriously. An alternative solution, which
some stores already do, would be to charge people that don’t bring their own
bag. Over the years, Austin has been
labeled as a “green” city, now it is time to spread that label to the entire
State of Texas.